Title: Reno folio: Physical properties map
Author: Kenneth V. Luza
Year: 1974
Series: Urban Map 4Aj
Format: 21 x 29 inches, full color map
Scale: 1:24,000
Map of the Reno 7.5-minute quadrangle showing 17 groups of physical and engineering properties; also includes tables of shrink-swell potential, compressibility, plasticity, relief, joints and fractures, and relative values of permeability. Other maps in the NBMG Urban Map series for the Reno Quadrangle include Tinted relief (4Aa), Slope (4Ab), Land use (4Ac), Soils (4Ad), Vegetation (4Ae), Hydrology (4Af), Geology (4Ag), Energy and mineral resources (4Ah), and Earthquake hazards (4Ai). See figure 3 for other quadrangles in the Urban Map series.
Original Product Code: 4Aj
