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Preliminary geologic map of the Apex quadrangle, Clark County, Nevada [MAP AND TEXT]
Preliminary geologic map of the Apex quadrangle, Clark County, Nevada MAP AND TEXT
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Product Code: OF2016-03


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Title: Preliminary geologic map of the Apex quadrangle, Clark County, Nevada

Robert G. Bohannon
Year: 2016
Open-File Report 2016-03
plate: 31 x 32 inches, color; text: 5 pages, color

The Apex quadrangle (1:24,000 scale) is centered approximately 22.5 km northeast of downtown Las Vegas in Clark County, Nevada.

Rocks in the quadrangle are exclusively sedimentary and include a mostly conformable sequence of Paleozoic continental shelf and platform rocks in its north half. The south half of the quadrangle is mostly Miocene interior-continental-basin deposits. Dissected alluvial deposits of Quaternary and latest Tertiary age, only the oldest of which are consolidated, discontinuously cover large lowland parts of the quadrangle. The Paleozoic rocks are deformed and in some places overturned by Mesozoic thrust faults associated with the Late Cretaceous Sevier Orogenic disturbance. A large east-vergent thrust fault with a northeast orientation, the Dry Lake Thrust, cuts the eastern half of the quadrangle, where it is mostly concealed by post-Cretaceous deposits. The thrust juxtaposes lower Paleozoic shelf rocks in the hanging wall above upper Paleozoic continental platform rocks in the footwall. Tertiary normal faults are also common and are mostly oriented northeast where they cut Paleozoic rocks. The Miocene beds, most of which post-date the northeast normal faults, are deformed by a few east-west or east-northeast-oriented faults and numerous small folds that are associated with them. The younger faults might be associated with very late-stage movement on the Las Vegas Valley shear zone which projects into the quadrangle from beneath Las Vegas Valley to the east, but the shear zone is otherwise concealed by the Miocene deposits.

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Original product code: OF16-3