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Filtered magnetic anomaly maps of Nevada
Filtered magnetic anomaly maps of Nevada 5 SHEETS
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Price: $13.00

Product Code: M093B

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Title: Filtered magnetic anomaly maps of Nevada

Author: Thomas G. Hildenbrand and Robert P. Kucks
Year: 1988
Series: Map 93B
Format: sheets 1-4, 22 x 32 inches, full color; sheet 5, 23.5 x 17 inches, b/w
Scale: sheets 1-4, 1:1,000,000; sheet 5, 1:2,000,000

A set of five filtered magnetic anomaly maps created by applying a variety of analytical techniques to digital data, explanatory text on envelope with details on each sheet; references.

Sheet 1-Residual total magnetic field reduced to the north magnetic pole; showing 32 gradations in nanoteslas; on topographic base with township and range grid; with explanatory text and references.

Sheet 2-First vertical derivative of the magnetic field; showing 32 gradations in nanoteslas per kilometer; on topographic base with township and range grid; with explanatory text and reference.

Sheet 3-Pseudo-gravity field; showing 32 gradations in milligals; on topographic base with township and range grid; with explanatory text and references.

Sheet 4-Magnitude of the horizontal gradient of the pseudo-gravity field; showing 32 gradations in milligals per kilometer; on topographic base with township and range grid; with explanatory text and references.

Sheet 5-Two shaded magnetic relief maps; illuminated from the northeast and northwest; state outline and latitude and longitude tics only; with explanatory text.

Sheets 1-4, 1:1,000,000, 32 x 22 inches, full color; Sheet 5, 1:2,000,000, 17 x 24 inches, b/w

Prepared cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey. For additional information on geophysics, see NBMG Maps 93A, 93B, and 94B.

Original Product Code: M93B dox