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Realgar and fluorite from Nevada [POSTCARD]
Realgar and fluorite from Nevada POSTCARD
Price: $1.00

Product Code: PC013

Title: Realgar and fluorite from Nevada

Author: photo by J. Scovil
Year: 2005
Series: Postcard PC13
Format: postcard, 4 x 6 inches, full color

Realgar and fluorite from Nevada, 6.5 cm wide, Getchell Mine, Humboldt County. S. Kleine collection. Photo by J.Scovil. Realgar (AsS), a common low-temperature mineral in base- and precious-metal deposits, also occurs in hot spring and fumarole deposits and in sedimentary rocks. For more information see Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication 31, Minerals of Nevada, for sale by NBMG.

Original Product Code: PC13