Title: Geology of the Silver City district and the southern portion of the Comstock Lode, Nevada
Author: Vincent P. Gianella
Year: 1936
Series: Bulletin 29
Format: digital file only: 50 MB; includes PDF of text: 108 pages, 9 x 6 inches, 2 b/w drawings, 27 b/w photos (including 16 photomicrographs),1 plate--1 inch =2250 feet, geology with cross sections, 13 x 13 inches
History of the district, previous research, production, general geology, faulting, veins and ore deposits, erosion, mineralization, and placer deposits. Originally published as University of Nevada Bulletin, v. 30, no. 9, December 30, 1936; mines and mills of Silver City are discussed in Bulletin 15; history of the Comstock Lode is discussed in greater depth in Special Publication 24; regional overviews are in Bulletin 70 and Bulletin 75.
Original Product Code: B29y
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