Title: Hydrocarbon habitat & special geologic problems of the Great Basin
Author: editors and co-chair: Don E. French and Robert A. Schalla; contributors: Ted Flanigan, Joan Fryxell, David C. Greene, Jerome B. Hansen, Donna M. Herring, Jeff Hulen, Eric H. Johnson, Kenneth L. Ransom, and Wanda J. Taylor
Year: 1998
Series: Nevada Petroleum and Geothermal Society 1998 Fieldtrip Guidebook NPS13y
Format: 27.9 MB (includes 102 pages)
Three detailed roadlogs integrated with twenty short papers and numerous color foldouts, covering east-central Nevada and western Utah; summary papers on oil fields, structure, stratigraphy, and petroleum systems of the area.
Original Product Code: NPS13y
