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Sedimentology and tectonic setting of the late Cretaceous to Eocene Sheep Pass Formation in the southern Egan Range [SOFTGOOD]
Sedimentology and tectonic setting of the late Cretaceous to Eocene Sheep Pass Formation in the southern Egan Range SOFTGOOD
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Product Code: NPS23Y

Title: Sedimentology and tectonic setting of the late Cretaceous to Eocene Sheep Pass Formation in the southern Egan Range

Author: author and trip leader: Peter Druschke; editor: James H. Trexler, Jr.
Year: 2008
Series: Nevada Petroleum and Geothermal Society 2008 Fieldtrip Guidebook NPS23y
Format: 5.9 MB (includes 41 pages)
Scale: One paper (10 figures, 3 in color) and roadlog.

Original Product Code: NPS23y

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