Title: Unraveling tectonic history through sedimentation and structural geology: A trip in memory of Jim Trexler (second edition)
Author: Daniel M. Sturmer, Field Trip Organizer and General Chair; Daniel M. Sturmer and Patricia H. Cashman, Guidebook Editors; Patricia H. Cashman, William Ehni, Don E. French, Erica L. Key, Timothy F. Lawton, Gwen M. Linde, Scott McDonald, Daniel M. Sturmer, and Jerome P. Walker, Stop Leaders and Guidebook Contributors Year: 2018 Series: Nevada Petroleum and Geothermal Society 2018 Field Trip Guidebook, NPS27 Version: digital version only: 35 MB (PDF of text), second edition (December 2018) supersedes first edition (September 2018) Format: 115 pages, color Scale:
The work that we have documented on this trip highlights just a portion of the indelible legacy that James H. Trexler, Jr. had on our understanding of the tectonic evolution of western North America. His work and ideas will no doubt continue to guide and influence future thought on Late Paleozoic tectonics in Nevada. Jim Trexler was heavily involved in the Nevada Petroleum and Geothermal Society for much of the history of the society. Over the past 30+ years Jim and his colleagues contributed greatly to our understanding of tectonics and sedimentation in Nevada, and his loss is deeply felt by us and our community. This trip highlights some of Jim’s work on the Late Paleozoic tectonic story in northern and central Nevada. This work is continuing to evolve, with Jim’s legacy to guide and inspire us. [by Daniel Sturmer]
Table of Contents Stop 1.1 - Preble Formation Stop 1.2 - Edna Mountain Stop 1.3 - Iron Point Stop 1.4 - Battle Mountain Stop 2.1 - Ferdelford Canyon Stop 2.2 - Carlin Canyon Stop 2.3 - Grindstone Mountain Stop 3.1 - Pine Valley Stop 3.2 - Secret Canyon Stop 3.3 - Illipah Reservoir Stop 3.4 - Hickison Summit Stop 4.1 - Pogues Station (optional) Stop 4.2 - Devils Gate (optional)
© 2018 by Nevada Petroleum and Geothermal Society, Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by and information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.
Suggested Citation: Sturmer, D.M., and Cashman, P.H., eds., 2018, Unraveling tectonic history through sedimentation and structural geology—a trip in memory of Jim Trexler (second edition): Nevada Petroleum and Geothermal Society 2018 Field Trip Guidebook NPS27, viii, 107 p.
