Title: Geologic map of the southern part of the Eureka mining district and surrounding areas of the Fish Creek Range, Mountain Boy Range, and Diamond Mountains, Eureka and White Pine counties, Nevada
Author: Sean P. Long, Christopher D. Henry, John L. Muntean, Gary P. Edmondo, and Robert D. Thomas Year: 2014 Series: Map 183 Version: supersedes Open-File Report 2012-06 Format: two plates: both 55 x 39 inches, color; text: 36 pages with some color, page 35 is 40 x 14 inches, page 36 is 11 x 15.5 inches Scale: 1:24,000
This map is a 1:24,000-scale, transect-style geologic map through the southern Diamond Mountains, the northern Fish Creek Range, and the southern Mountain Boy Range. The map area also passes through the southern part of the historical, and actively explored, Eureka mining district. The map is accompanied by three cross sections, which illustrate the deformation geometry both above and below the modern erosion surface, a detailed description of map units, a summary of the geologic history of the map area, and a description of mineral deposits in the Eureka mining district. In addition, new data on the distribution, petrographic and chemical characteristics, and timing of the late Eocene Eureka volcanic center is included. This report represents a detailed analysis of the stratigraphy and structure of a classic Great Basin geological locality.
Plate 1 is the geologic map with cross section A. Plate 2 contains cross sections B and C.
This map was prepared as part of the STATEMAP component of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey and with support from the Nevada Division of Minerals, the Geological Society of Nevada, and Timberline Resources Corporation.
Prize-winning map! Irene Seelye (NBMG Cartographer/GIS Specialist) took first place in the "Cartographic" category at the 25th Annual Nevada Geographic Information Society (NGIS) Conference in 2015 for her work on this map.
Suggested Citation: Long, S.P., Henry, C.D., Muntean, J.L., Edmondo, G.P., and Thomas, R.D., 2014, Geologic map of the southern part of the Eureka mining district and surrounding areas of the Fish Creek Range, Mountain Boy Range, and Diamond Mountains, Eureka and White Pine counties, Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Map 183, 2 plates, scale 1:24,000, 36 p.
© Copyright 2014 The University of Nevada, Reno. All Rights Reserved.
Original Product Code: M183
