Title: Structural and stratigraphic investigations and petroleum potential of Nevada, with special emphasis south of the Railroad Valley producing trend
Author: edited by Steven W. Dobbs and Wanda J. Taylor
Year: 1994
Series: Nevada Petroleum and Geothermal Society 1994b Fieldtrip Guidebook NPS9
Format: 1 volume, 13 papers, 22 plates, 281 p. on CD-ROM
Thirteen papers, fieldtrip guide, and twenty-two plates including seismic lines and cross sections. Topics include structural analysis of the Mormon, Muddy, and Timpahute mountains, apatite fission dating in Beaver Dam Mountains, Silver King Lineament, Devonian carbonates, Pilot Basin, Antler Orogeny, Eureka Fold-and-Thrust Belt, Carlin Canyon, and Buena Vista Valley. One volume, 281 p.
Original Product Code: NPS9c