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The Nevada mineral industry 2014
The Nevada mineral industry 2014
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Price: $15.00

Product Code: MI2014

Title: The Nevada mineral industry 2014

Author: John L. Muntean, David A. Davis, and Lisa Shevenell
Year: 2016
Series: Mineral Industry MI-2014
Format: 171 pages, includes color, plastic comb binding

Starting in 1979, NBMG has issued annual reports that describe mineral and geothermal activities and accomplishments in Nevada, and include statistics of known gold and silver deposits. This report describes mineral, oil and gas, and geothermal activities and accomplishments in Nevada in 2014: production statistics, exploration and developmentincluding drilling for petroleum and geothermal resources, discoveries of orebodies, new mines opened, and expansion and other activities of existing mines. Statistics of known gold and silver deposits, and directories of mines and mills are included.

Click here for previous editions.

Directory of Nevada Mine Operations 2015 is also available from the Department of Business and Industry, Mine Safety & Training Section.

Original Product Code: MI2014 dox

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