Title: The Nevada Mineral Industry 2023
Author: Jowitt, S.M., Micander, R., Richards, M., Fisher, T., Reynolds,
D., and Lu, C.
Series: Nevada Mineral Industry
Format: Spiral-bound; 96 pages; color
This report highlights activities in 2023 in the exploration and production for metals, industrial minerals,
geothermal energy, and petroleum within the state of Nevada. At the time of publication, the 2023 Net Proceeds of Minerals Bulletin had yet to be released by the Nevada Department of Taxation. For this reason, gross proceeds reported in this report should be considered preliminary and are subject to change. Once again, Nevada led the nation in the production of gold ($7.658 billion) and barite ($41.105 million). Nevada also remained the only state that produced lithium compounds from primary extraction ($172.197 million), magnesite ($9.816 million), and the specialty clays, sepiolite and saponite ($12.870 million). Other commodities mined and produced in Nevada in 2023, in order of value, included copper ($439.523 million), aggregate (sand, gravel, and crushed stone; $413 million), geothermal energy ($341.261 million), silver ($118.854 million), diatomite ($58.304 million), gypsum ($48.606 million), limestone and dolomite (mainly for cement, $35.082 million), silica ($22.750 million), and petroleum ($14.633 million). The locations of many of the sites mentioned in the text of this report are shown in Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG) Open-File Report 2023-01, Nevada active mines and energy producers, which is available at
Suggested Citation: Jowitt, S.M., Micander, R., Richards, M., Fisher, T., Reynolds, D., and Lu, C., 2024, The Nevada mineral industry 2023: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-2023, 96 p.
Original Product Code: MI2023
