Title: The Anatomy of the Railroad Valley Basin: Host to Nevada's Largest Oil Fields
Author: Don E. French, Jerome P. Walker, and Christopher D. Henry
Year: 2025
Series: Report 60
Format: 103 pages, 5 plates, color
Scale: 1:63,360
This report addresses the geology and evolution of the Neogene basin of Railroad Valley in east-central
Nevada, which hosts the largest known oil fields in Nevada. Surface geologic data were integrated with large amounts of subsurface data, gleaned from geophysical surveys and hundreds of bore holes, to produce comprehensive conceptual models for the basin and the associated oil fields.
In Chapter 1, detailed geologic maps and a county geologic map are combined with subsurface geological
information from 300+ boreholes to create bedrock geology and subsurface structure maps of the Railroad Valley area. Supplemental data include geophysical and soil-gas surveys. Paleozoic and Cenozoic stratigraphy is summarized in three areas: outcrops in the Pancake and Grant ranges to the west and east respectively, and subsurface. Paleozoic stratigraphy of the map area is
composed of regionally extensive carbonate and arenaceous formations interspersed with disconformities. These strata are overlain by Paleogene continental and volcanogenic formations and Neogene syntectonic deposits that include some widely distributed megabreccias. Intrusions are generally granitic and include several stocks and scattered dikes and sills that range in age from Jurassic to late Paleogene. The earliest important tectonic event was the development of a foredeep associated with the middle
Paleozoic Antler orogeny. The foredeep included the area of Railroad Valley and was the site of deposition of
organic-rich Mississippian sediments. Contraction during the late Mesozoic Sevier orogeny is manifest in the map area by folds and thrust faults of the central Nevada thrust belt. This was followed by deposition of organic-rich lacustrine strata in Paleogene basins. A caldera formed on the west side of Railroad Valley in late Paleogene time as part of a regional episode of volcanic activity. Low-angle normal faults developed as volcanism waned in the area. Neogene Basin-Range tectonism characterized by high-angle normal faults followed. This latest episode caused the development of syntectonic deposits that include megabreccias and resulted in the present topography. A paleogeologic map constructed using outcrop and well control shows the distribution of Mississippian and early Paleogene source-rock formations, and temperature information
from well control identifies the present thermal regime. Hydrocarbon generation sites are present where Mississippian and Paleogene organic-rich beds have reached adequate thermal conditions. The resulting accumulations have produced nearly 50 million barrels of oil. Important reservoirs include Neogene megabreccias, welded tuffs, and lacustrine carbonate beds. Production has been prolific; most fields have wells that produced 1,000+ barrels per day, and some tested rates exceeded 10,000 barrels per day. Complex structure resulting from the multiple tectonic events affecting the
area has impaired exploration and development. Continuous oil-phase potential has not been evaluated. The combination of surface and subsurface geology provides insight into the structural development and thermal regime of the area. The basic geologic elements are replicated in numerous places in eastern Nevada, and Railroad Valley serves as an analog to guide investigations of other areas.
Chapter 2 provides a detailed account of an
important stratigraphic marker in the upper part of the
Neogene basin in Railroad Valley. A subsurface Pliocene
basalt (shown as unnamed basalt, QTb, on plate 2) has
been identified using wireline logs in 52 Railroad Valley
(RRV) wells at depths that range from 335 to 640 m
(1,100 to 2,100 ft) below the surface. The basalt averages
35 m (114 ft) in thickness and is up to 103 m (338 ft)
thick. The structure map on top of the basalt shows a
synclinal trend oriented northeast-southwest. An
isochore map indicates widespread basalt thickness of 48
m (150 ft) that may represent multiple lava flows. Two
areas with thickness of 76 to 91+ m (250 to 300+ ft)
represent approximate original relief of volcanic features
and are similar to height of lower cinder cones in the
Lunar Crater volcanic field (LCVF). The subsurface
basalt is limited to the southeast by a normal fault.
Elsewhere, it is limited by deposition and postdeposition erosion. Three stratigraphic cross sections
show the variability of thickness of the basalt section, and
that it is composed of multiple flow units, each
displaying marked decrease in resistivity near its top. A
core of the basalt from Makoil #21-21R Dry Lake (redrill) has phenocrysts of feldspar and pyroxene, a
rounded gneissic xenolith, and fractures and vesicles
filled with crystalline material and clays. An X-ray
diffractogram of basalt cuttings shows major amounts of
sodium anorthite and augite, as well as trace amounts of
smectite and mixed-layered illite/smectite clays. 40Ar/39Ar dating of the basalt indicates an age of
4.57±0.03 Ma, which correlates to Episode 2 of the
eruption history at LCVF. The subsurface basalt is older
than an outcrop to the west, where US Highway 6 exits
Railroad Valley, that has been dated as 1.09 Ma. Samples
from the Makoil #21-21R Dry Lake (redrill) well, two
older basalts in the LCVF, and a basalt outcrop at Mud
Spring Basin on the east side of Railroad Valley plot
within the basalt field of a Total Alkali Silica graph.
Chapter 3 describes the Cenozoic ash-flow tuff
stratigraphy and geochronology of Railroad Valley and
adjacent ranges, as these strata commonly serve as
reservoir rocks for the hydrocarbons. Discovery and
production of oil from Cenozoic ash-flow tuffs of
Railroad Valley focused attention on the correlation of
the subsurface units to outcrops and the locations of
corresponding centers of eruption. Improved knowledge
of the Cenozoic volcanic and thermal history of the area
also refines understanding of the early development of
the basin of Railroad Valley. Cenozoic ash-flow tuffs
have produced about 18 million barrels of oil, or about
37% of total production from fields in Railroad Valley.
Correlation of the productive units to outcrops has
been speculative or imprecise because of the limitations
of subsurface samples. To resolve the volcanic
stratigraphy, 40Ar/39Ar ages of selected subsurface
samples were determined. Wireline logs and visual
inspection were used to identify ash-flow tuffs and to
select sample horizons. Dates have been determined for
23 cuttings and 8 core sample from 11 wells in Railroad
Valley, and three cuttings and one core from two wells in
nearby White River Valley. Three dates are on biotite,
and one is on a basalt matrix; the rest are on sanidine
phenocrysts. Most cuttings are contaminated with
cavings from uphole, but these were isolated sufficiently
to date the in-place rock. Cavings helped, in turn, to
identify stratigraphically higher ash-flow tuffs. Identified
ash-flow tuffs range in age from 18.6 to 36.3 Ma and
correlate with 13 regional ash-flow tuffs and one local
ash-flow tuff.
Published work interprets a major episode of low-angle normal faulting during the late Oligocene to early
Miocene. However, significant faulting seems
incompatible with the absence of coeval syntectonic
deposits or fanning of dips either in outcrop in the
Pancake and Grant ranges or the subsurface. A basalt
sample from a marker horizon in upper valley fill is 4.6
Ma, which corresponds to Episode 2 of the nearby late
Miocene-Pliocene Lunar Crater volcanic field.
Sanidine dates of three samples from producing
horizons in two wells at the Trap Spring field indicate the
main producing horizon is the Windous Butte
Formation. Dating of a sample from a well in the area of
the Eagle Springs field indicates production is from the
Stone Cabin Formation. Dated cuttings from Sans
Spring field show that production is from the upper tuff
of Mount Jefferson.
Sample dates and subsurface information show that
several wells straddle the northeast side of the Monotony
Valley caldera in the southwestern part of Railroad
Valley. However, well and outcrop data do not support a
postulated Stone Cabin caldera under the northern part
of Railroad Valley. Instead, new work documents the
Stone Cabin caldera in the White Pine Range northeast
of Railroad Valley.
Biotite from samples subjacent to ash-flow tuffs in
two wells 1.8 km apart in the northeastern part of
Railroad Valley is dated at 17–20 Ma. These dates are
younger than dates on overlying ash-flow tuffs. An
intrusion at total depth in one well is a possible heat
source, or reheating from an unknown origin is also
possible. Alternatively, the biotite date may be part of
valley fill and records early deposition of young volcanic
rock followed by emplacement of megabreccias of older
rock. This alternative seems less likely because it would
require that individual blocks be as much as 378 m (1,239
ft) thick.
Original Product Code: R060