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The history of the Comstock Lode 1850-1920 [OUT OF PRINT, SUPERSEDED BY SPECIAL PUBLICATION 24]
The history of the Comstock Lode 1850-1920 OUT OF PRINT, SUPERSEDED BY SPECIAL PUBLICATION 24

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Product Code: B037

Title:  The history of the Comstock Lode 1850-1920
Author:  Grant H. Smith
Year:  1943
Series No.:  Bulletin 37
Version:  superseded by Special Publication 24
Format:  318 pages, 9 x 6 inches, 10 b/w drawings, 13 b/w photos, 1 appendix

A concise mining history of the Comstock Lode including the political and social history of the area and production statistics; footnoted and indexed. Originally published as University of Nevada Bulletin, v. 37, no. 3, Geology and Mining Series, no. 37, July 1, 1943. Superseded by Special Publication 24. Other works on the Comstock include Bulletins 3, 15 and 29 and Open-File Report 87-6.

Original Product Code:  B37