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Truckee Meadows remembered
Truckee Meadows remembered
Price: $10.00

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Product Code: TMR

Title: Truckee Meadows Remembered

Author: Jack Hursh and Loren Jahn
Year: 2004
Version: second edition, fifth printing
Format: 44 pages, color

"Essence of Heritage: This essay mourns the loss of the quaintness of the Truckee Meadows by so called "progress." It offers a retrospective glimpse at imagery representing what this place means to some of us. This essay is not intended to be complete and some details of the story may be missing at this writing, but it is our best present interpretation, serving as a nucleus to build upon.

Being sensitive and appreciative of our heritage is as important as knowing the correct dates and names of a particular house or barn. It is the feeling of heritage that is so rapidly being erased from our visual landscape and thus shredding our souls. It is the essence of heritage that we can pass on to the future. The dates and names can be captured later but the physical artifacts are being tossed away at an alarming rate and it is our wish to protect and display them for future generations. This essay will evolve as a work in progress and additions and corrections will be graciously received."