Title: 1915 Pleasant Valley earthquake centennial field trip guidebook: A public field trip to visit the largest earthquake in Nevada's history
Author: Craig M. dePolo and Alan R. Wallace Year: 2015 Series: Educational Series 58 Version: Format: 16 pages Scale:
The centennial anniversary of the 1915 Pleasant Valley earthquake is an opportunity to reflect on this event, what it did, what it means, and how it should influence us. This was the largest earthquake to date in Nevada’s written record. It had some of the strongest and widest effects from shaking of all the historical events. And the earthquake offers many lessons and examples on how to live with earthquakes in ways to protect ourselves, our valuables, and our standard of living from earthquakes. In short, the 1915 earthquake reminds us that Nevada is earthquake country.
This guidebook provides a general guide to a half-day trip from Winnemucca to see the fault scarps at Golconda Canyon on the east side of Pleasant Valley. The drive passes by diverse geologic features, including rocks that date back 300 million years, basalts that were erupted 15 million years ago, and hot springs and earthquakes that have been active over just the past few hundred years.
Faulting related to the 1915 earthquakes in Pleasant Valley, Nevada: (USGS Professional Paper 1274-A,B) http://pubs.er.usgs.gov/publication/pp1274AB
More information on earthquake preparedness: NBMG Open Data - Geohazards NBMG Geohazards Page—Earthquakes Nevada Seismological Laboratory Great Nevada Shakeout
Original Product Code: E58
