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Aggregate resource study, western portion of the Carson City BLM District, Nevada, with addendum, economic potential
Aggregate resource study, western portion of the Carson City BLM District, Nevada, with addendum, economic potential COMB-BOUND REPORT

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Price: $59.00

Product Code: OF2000-03

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Title: Aggregate resource study, western portion of the Carson City BLM District, Nevada, with addendum, economic potential

Author: Dennis P. Bryan, Stephen B. Castor, and Gary L. Johnson
Year: 2000
Series: Open-File Report 2000-03
Format: 34 pages and 4 plates: plate 1: 18.5 x 32 inches; plate 2: 19 x 32 inches; plate 3: 19 x 32 inches
Scale: 1:250,000

Original Product Code: OF003