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Surface rupture map of the 2020 M6.5 Monte Cristo Range earthquake, Esmeralda and Mineral counties, Nevada [COMPLETE DIGITAL PRODUCT WITH GIS]
CDP Monte Cristo Range EQ
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Title: Surface rupture map of the 2020 M6.5 Monte Cristo Range earthquake, Esmeralda and Mineral counties, Nevada

Author: Seth Dee, Rich D. Koehler, Austin J. Elliott, Alexandra E. Hatem, Alexandra J. Pickering, Ian Pierce, Gordon G. Seitz, Camille M. Collett, Timothy E. Dawson, Conni De Masi, Craig M. dePolo, Evan J. Hartshorn, Christopher M. Madugo, Charles C. Trexler, Danielle M. Verdugo, Steven G. Wesnousky, and Judith Zachariasen
Year: 2021
Series: Map 190
Format: GIS zip file, 989 MB: includes geospatial rupture data and PDF of 2 map sheets: both 41 x 41 inches, color; text: 26 pages, color
Scale: 1:14,000

The 15 May 2020, M6.5 Monte Cristo Range earthquake was the largest earthquake in Nevada in over 66 years and occurred in a sparsely populated area of western Nevada about 74 km southeast of the town of Hawthorne. The earthquake produced surface rupture distributed across a 28-km-long zone along the eastward projection of the Candelaria fault in the Mina deflection of the central Walker Lane. Post-event field surveys mapped surface ruptures and measured displacements, which reached up to ~20 cm of oblique slip. Additional detailed mapping was completed using centimeter-resolution orthomosaics generated from Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle surveys. The rupture observations and displacement data are compiled into this 1:14,000-scale map, data tables, and accompanying digital dataset. The rupture consists of two distinct deformational domains roughly separated by U.S. Highway 95: ENE-trending ruptures with normal and left-oblique displacements in the western domain, and N- to NNE-trending ruptures with normal and right-oblique displacement in the eastern domain. The complex pattern of surface rupture is consistent with the projections of mapped bedrock and Quaternary faults in the area and illustrates the kinematics of slip partitioning at the junction of variably oriented structures in the shallow subsurface.

Geospatial rupture data:
m190_map_package.mpk – Map package of rupture data for Esri ArcMap
MonteCristoRangeEarthquake.kmz – .kmz file of rupture data for viewing in Google Earth

Earthquake data from the Nevada Seismic Network can be found at the Nevada Seismological Laboratory (NSL) website:

About the GIS zip file:

| |\Geodatabase (contains the ESRI geodatabase files for the map)
| |\Images (contains different types of images used on the map sheet)
| |\LayerFiles (ESRI ArcGIS layer files of each layer in the table of contents of the ArcMap MXD file)
| |\Shapefiles (ESRI shapefiles for each layer in the ArcMap table of contents of the ArcMap MXD file)
| |\metadata (contains the metadata as an .xml file)
| | Geodatabase
| | FeatureDataSet
| | FeatureClass
|\maps (contains the final ESRI ArcGIS 10.7.1 ArcMap MXD files)
|\PDFs (contains the final PDFs of map sheets and report text)

Projection: UTM NAD83 Zone 11

The symbol and image files listed above contain graphic symbol information about associated line, point, and polygon features found on the published map but that may not have been fully identified in the present format of the feature line, point, or polygon attribute file. The layer files are provided here for use with the geologic map digital conversion as an aid to a graphic presentation of the full data set. The files can be utilized in ESRI ArcGIS 10.7.1.


Suggested citation:
Dee, S., Koehler, R.D., Elliott, A.J., Hatem, A.E., Pickering, A.J., Pierce, I., Seitz, G.G., Collett, C.M., Dawson, T.E., De Masi, C., dePolo, C.M., Hartshorn, E.J., Madugo, C.M., Trexler, C.C., Verdugo, D.M., Wesnousky, S.G., and Zachariasen, J., 2021, Surface rupture map of the 2020 M 6.5 Monte Cristo Range earthquake, Esmeralda and Mineral counties, Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Map 190, 2 sheets, scale 1:14,000, 26 p.

© Copyright 2021 The University of Nevada, Reno. All Rights Reserved.

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