Title: Child of the rocks, the story of Berlin-Ichthyosaur State Park
Author: Charles L. Camp
Year: 1981
Series: Special Publication 5
Format: 36 pages, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb binding, 6 b/w drawings, 20 b/w photos, 1 table
The ichthyosaurs, what they were and how they came to be in Nevada; the establishment of this state park, with a description of the site, present, historic, and geologic; includes biographical information on Charles L. Camp and his influence on the park's founding. Design, graphics, and additional written material prepared by Michael T. Giovanniello.
Published in cooperation with Nevada Division of State Parks and Nevada Natural History Association.
Read more about the life of Charles L. Camp: The Charles Lewis Camp Papers - UC Museum of Paleontology
New technologies have helped researchers make exciting new discoveries about the ichthyosaur: Plan your trip to Berlin-Ichthyosaur State Park:
Original Product Code: SP5
