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Flood and related debris flow hazards, South Lake Tahoe quadrangle, along principal streams, Nevada and California
Flood and related debris flow hazards, South Lake Tahoe quadrangle, along principal streams, Nevada and California


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Price: $4.00

Product Code: OF1986-06

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Title: Flood and related debris flow hazards, South Lake Tahoe quadrangle, along principal streams, Nevada and California

Author: Terry Katzer and Patrick A. Glancy
Year: 1986
Series: Open-File Report 1986-06
Format: 12 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches, 1 table

A statement describing the flood and related debris flow hazards of the area including the flood frequency, hazards factors, geology, land cover, channel characteristics, land alteration, historical floods, and descriptions of the principal streams; references. Supplements NBMG Urban Map 2Al. Prepared cooperatively by the USGS.

Original Product Code: OF866