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Reconnaissance geochemical assessment of mineral resources in the South Fork, Little Humboldt Wilderness Study Area (NV-101-132), Elko County, Nevada
Reconnaissance geochemical assessment of mineral resources in the South Fork, Little Humboldt Wilderness Study Area (NV-101-132), Elko County, Nevada


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Price: $44.00

Product Code: OF1984-06

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Title: Reconnaissance geochemical assessment of mineral resources in the South Fork, Little Humboldt Wilderness Study Area (NV-101-132), Elko County, Nevada

Author: J. V. Tingley and Jack Quade
Year: 1984
Series: Open-File Report 1984-06
Version: Format: 142 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches, 10 b/w drawings, 2 appendices

Report on the metallic mineral potential of the South Fork, Little Humboldt WSA including a review of the geology, mineral resources, geochemistry of samples taken and anomalies, land classification for G-E-M potential, mineral resource area; appendices of sample descriptions and analysis; references. A general overview of the area is in B101. Prepared under contract to the U.S. Bureau of Land Management.

Original Product Code: OF846