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Geology and geophysics of White Pine and Lincoln counties, Nevada, and adjacent parts of Nevada and Utah: the geologic framework of regional groundwater flow systems [TEXT AND 4 PLATES]
Geology and geophysics of White Pine and Lincoln counties, Nevada, and adjacent parts of Nevada and Utah: the geologic framework of regional groundwater flow systems TEXT AND 4 PLATES
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Product Code: R056

Title: Geology and geophysics of White Pine and Lincoln counties, Nevada, and adjacent parts of Nevada and Utah: the geologic framework of regional groundwater flow systems

Author: Peter D. Rowley, Gary L. Dixon, Edward A. Mankinen, Keith T. Pari, Darcy K. McPhee, Edwin H. McKee, Andrew G. Burns, James M. Watrus, E. Bartlett Ekren, William G. Patrick, and Judith M. Brandt
Year: 2017
Series: Report 56
Format: text: 146 pages; 4 plates: color, with cross sections
Scale: 1:250,000

This report describes the geologic framework of a >65,000 km2 area that straddles the Nevada-Utah border. The studied region includes most of White Pine and Lincoln counties and adjacent counties in eastern Nevada, as well as parts of Tooele, Juab, Millard, Beaver, and Iron counties in western Utah. This study represents more than a 20-year effort by the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) to understand the groundwater resources of this part of the Great Basin. This first step, which includes a compilation of all the information on the geologic and geophysical setting, was necessary for hydrological and biological investigations. To understand the geologic framework, we compiled all known geologic mapping at a scale of 1:250,000, and constructed 25 geologic cross sections at the same scale. We also present new geophysical data, consisting of gravity surveys and audiomagnetotelluric (AMT) profiles, plus assembly of available aeromagnetic data, contracted from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), as well as additional AMT profiles by the SNWA. This report focuses on two large regional groundwater flow systems: the White River and Great Salt Lake Desert systems. Although the map boundaries presented here bound these aforementioned flow systems, the maps, cross sections, and text are intended to serve as a modern multidisciplinary regional geological and geophysical review, comparable to many old county reports in Nevada and Utah.

View the geospatial PDFs
for the four plates that accompany this report:

Plate 1—Geologic map of the northern part of the study area, Nevada and Utah
Plate 2—Geologic map of the southern part of the study area, Nevada and Arizona
Plate 3—Geologic cross sections of the northern part of the study area, Nevada and Utah
Plate 4—Geologic cross sections of the southern part of the study area, Nevada and Arizona

For GIS files (paid product), see link in text box in upper right corner of this page.

This report was prepared with support from the Southern Nevada Water Authority.

Related item:
Arsenic in Nevada Groundwater

Suggested Citation:
Rowley, P.D., Dixon, G. L., Mankinen, E.A., Pari, K.T., McPhee, D.K., McKee, E.H., Burns, A.G., Watrus, J.M., Ekren, E.B., Patrick, W.G, and Brandt, J.M., 2017, Geology and geophysics of White Pine and Lincoln counties, Nevada, and adjacent parts of Nevada and Utah—the geologic framework of regional groundwater flow systems: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Report 56, scale 1:250,000, 4 plates, 146 p.

Original Product Code: R56

Copyright © 2017 The University of Nevada, Reno. All Rights Reserved.

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