Title: Geologic tours in the Las Vegas area: Expanded edition with GPS coordinates
Author: Joseph V. Tingley, Becky W. Purkey, Ernest M. Duebendorfer, Eugene I. Smith, Jonathan G. Price, and Stephen B. Castor
Year: 2008
Series: Special Publication 16
Version: expanded edition with GPS coordinates, August 2008; supersedes first edition (1994) and expanded edition (2001) Format: 144 pages, 11 x 8.5 inches, plastic coil binding, profusely illustrated with 66 color photos and numerous b/w photos, sketches, and maps
Each of the five geologic tours in this guidebook takes the traveler to a different area of special geologic interest within a short driving distance of Las Vegas. In addition to geology, the trip guides tell a little of the people who shaped the human history of this part of southern Nevada, such as prehistoric Native American salt miners, Spanish explorers, mountain men, Mormon settlers, and gold miners. Touching on natural history, there are comments on some of the plants and animals that make this area more than just stunning desert landscape.
Depending on your trip choice, you can visit one of three National Recreation Areas, two Nevada State Parks, and even a National Wildlife Refuge catering to Desert Bighorn Sheep. These trips provide options for side trips, hiking, camping, wildlife viewing, and even fishing and boating if you elect to explore Lake Mead.
While you are waiting for your book to arrive, take a five-minute vacation with this photo tour of Nevada.
...or learn about the geology of Nevada's oldest state park, Valley of Fire, from an interview with Jim Faulds, NBMG Director and State Geologist, in this article by Suzanne Downing: Hiking Valley of Fire State Park: 5 Geological Wonders to See
Original Product Code: SP16
