Title: Geologic map of the Frenchman Mountain quadrangle, Clark County, Nevada
Author: S.B. Castor, J.E. Faulds, S.M. Rowland, and C.M. dePolo
Year: 2000
Series: Map 127
Version: supersedes Open-File Report 99-7 (OF1999-07)
Format: plate: 28 x 33 inches, color; text: 15 pages, b/w, with erratum for page 5; description of map units, 10 pages, b/w
Scale: 1:24,000
A 1:24,000-scale, full-color map of the Frenchman Mountain 7.5-minute quadrangle in Clark County, Nevada, with three cross sections and descriptions of 64 geologic units. Structure, economic geology, and geochronology of the quadrangle are described and discussed in an accompanying pamphlet.
Original Product Code: M127
