Title: Geologic map of the Santa Renia Fields quadrangle, Elko and Eureka counties, Nevada
Author: Ted G. Theodore, Barry C. Moring, Thomas Chadwick, Paul J. Dobak, J. Kelly Cluer, and Robert J. Fleck
Year: 2006
Series: Map 155
Format: plate: 35.5 x 36 inches, color; text: 20 pages, b/w
Scale: 1:24,000
A 24,000-scale, full-color geologic map of the Santa Renia Fields 7.5-minute quadrangle in Elko and Eureka counties, Nevada, with four cross sections and descriptions of 34 rock units. Accompanying text contains tables, references, and descriptions of the geologic framework and structural geology of the Santa Renia Fields area.
Original Product Code: M155