Title: Subsurface trenching investigation in support of the Barrick Goldstrike N. Carlin Trend Structure Project
Author: Richard D. Koehler and Colin M. Chupik Year: 2018 Series: Open-File Report 18-2 Version: Format: text: 18 pages, color; 12 plates: 11 x 17 inches, color Scale: 1:60
Surface geomorphic analyses and subsurface geologic trenching was conducted by the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology at a site in the Tuscarora Mountains in Elko County, Nevada within the northern Carlin Trend. The purpose of the investigation was to assess the presence or absence of active faults, refine previous bedrock mapping, and document the locations of stratigraphic contacts and the character of faults and other discontinuities. Surficial evidence of Quaternary faulting was not observed in the project area; however, the Southeast Sheep Creek Range fault and the Tuscarora fault zone project towards the site. Two east-west oriented trenches were excavated for a total exposure of ~3,000 feet (~915 meters). Bedrock exposed in the trenches included the Devonian Slaven Formation and the Tertiary Carlin Formation. Numerous small displacement faults, joints, and other discontinuities associated with carbonate seams and secondary mineralization were documented. A well-developed textural B soil horizon is developed across the entire exposure indicating that tectonic deformation predates the late Pleistocene. Together, the results provide information applicable to refining bedrock maps and improving regional and local structural models.
Plate 1 - West Trench—Section A, 1280–1445 ft Plate 2 - West Trench—Section B, 1055–1280 ft Plate 3 - West Trench—Section C, 800–1055 ft Plate 4 - West Trench—Section D, 550–800 ft Plate 5 - West Trench—Section E, 275–550 ft Plate 6 - West Trench—Section F, 0–275 ft Plate 7 - East Trench—Section A, 0–220 ft Plate 8 - East Trench—Section B, 220–435 ft Plate 9 - East Trench—Section C, 435–735 ft Plate 10 - East Trench—Section D, 735–1015 ft Plate 11 - East Trench—Section E, 1015–1315 ft Plate 12 - East Trench—Section F, 1315–1490 ft
This site is located within the Santa Renia Fields 7.5-minute quadrangle.
Suggested Citation: Koehler, R.D., and Chupik, C.M., 2018, Subsurface trenching investigation in support of the Barrick Goldstrike N. Carlin Trend Structure Project: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 18-2, 12 plates, scale 1:60, 18 p.
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