Title: Geothermal and petroleum developments in several extensional basins of the central Walker Lane, Nevada
Author: Chair and editor: Larry J. Garside; co-leaders: Mark Coolbaugh, Ben Delwiche, James Henderson, Chris Henry, Jonathan Payne, Alfred Pekarek, Vincent Ramirez, Peter Vikre, and Jerry Walker; contributors: James Faulds, Conrad Hinshaw, David John, Fleetwood Koutz, Chris Kratt, Jason Reichelt, Chris Sladek, and Richard Zehner
Year: 2013
Series No.: Nevada Petroleum and Geothermal Society NPS24
Format: 131 pages, 11 papers
Papers and stops include the following: oil exploration in Gabbs Valley and vicinity; oil shows in Gabbs Valley exploration wells; Cobble Cuesta anticline—possible modes of formation; bitumen-stained sandstone and conglomerate; geology of the Wild Rose geothermal field; new interpretation of volcanic rocks on Fissure Ridge (Gabbs Valley); geothermal systems of Rhodes, Columbus, and Teels marshes; gas and oil shows in historic oil wells in valleys near Gabbs Valley (including Columbus Salt Marsh); and stratigraphy and source-rock potential of Tertiary sedimentary rocks, particularly paper shales and coal beds.
Ten new papers on petroleum and geothermal developments in the central Walker Lane and a shortened version of USGS Open-File Report 99-352 on the geology of the Cobble Cuesta area are included in the guidebook:
Exploration of the Wild Rose Geothermal Project, Mineral County, Nevada, by Ben Delwiche
ASARCO Incorporated's Car Project, 1990-94, Western Gabbs Valley, Mineral County, Nevada—Precious Metal Exploration Transitioned to Geothermal Exploration, by Peter G. Vikre and Fleetwood R. Koutz
Fissure Vent and Proposed Caldera in Gabbs Valley, Nevada, by Christopher D. Henry and David A. John
Stratigraphy, Tephrochronology, and Structural Setting of Miocene Sedimentary Rocks in the Cobble Cuesta Area, West-Central Nevada [abbreviated version of USGS OF 99-352], by John H. Stewart, Andrei Sarna-Wojcicki, Charles E. Meyer, and Elmira Wan
Observations of Post-Miocene Compression in Central Nevada, by Vincent Ramirez
Latest Tertiary Faulting and Folding within Gabbs Valley, Nevada, by Jonathan Payne
Structure, Stratigraphy, and Hydrocarbon Potential of Gabbs Valley, Nye County, Nevada, by Alfred H. Pekarek
Summary of Oil-and-Gas Well Drilling in Gabbs Valley, 2001-2011, Northwestern Nye County, Nevada, by Jerome P. Walker
Active Geothermal Systems of the Mina Deflection, Southwestern Nevada, by Mark Coolbaugh, Chris Kratt, James Faulds, Richard Zehner, and Chris Sladek
Oil and Gas Occurrence in Columbus Salt Marsh, Esmeralda County, Nevada, by J.H. Henderson, Andrew Cullen, and Conrad Hinshaw, Jr.
The Columbus Salt Marsh Sub-Basin Oil Seep and Coaldale Well, by Andrew Cullen and James Henderson
Original Product Code: NPS24
