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Las Vegas Valley 2000 subsidence report
Las Vegas Valley 2000 subsidence report COMB-BOUND REPORT


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Price: $17.00

Product Code: OF2001-05

Title: Las Vegas Valley 2000 subsidence report

Author: John Bell, Geoff Blewitt, and Falk Amelung
Year: 2001
Series: Open-File Report 2001-05
Format: 45 pages, including 7 page-size color figures

The 2000 subsidence study was designed to be a follow-up to the 1997-98 study (1998 Subsidence Report to the Las Vegas Valley Water District) and to provide a final report on land subsidence in the Las Vegas Valley throughout the year 2000. The 2000 study builds on the results obtained in the earlier study and addresses the following elements:

1. Development of SAR interferograms for the 1997-99 period for comparison with the InSAR results obtained for 1992-97, allowing a composite time series of InSAR maps to be produced covering the period 1992-99

2. Examination of the SAR interferograms for evidence of horizontal displacements that may accompany the vertical components of subsidence

3. GPS survey of selected benchmarks in the Northwest subsidence bowl to measure vertical and horizontal change since 1998 and to provide ground-truth verification for the InSAR study

4. Conventional level surveys along line no. 11 across the Eglington fault and along a newly established line no. 12 through the Northwest subsidence bowl

Original Product Code: OF015

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