Title: Major mines of Nevada 2019: Mineral industries in Nevada's economy
Author: Mike Visher and Lucia Patterson (Nevada Division of Minerals) Year: 2020 Series: Pamphlet (Major Mines) P-31 Version: Format: 28 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 inches Scale:
This is the thirty-first of an annual series of summary reports on major mines of Nevada. Aggregate operations are not included. Information on employment and production for the calendar year 2019 was provided by the individual mine operators. The Nevada Division of Minerals maintains a complete register of Nevada mines. For further information, contact them at 400 W. King, Suite 106, Carson City, Nevada 89703 or call (775) 684-7040, fax (775) 684-7052, or visit their website at http://minerals.nv.gov.
Map locations of all major mines are shown and an overview of mineral production and its effect on Nevada's economy is presented.
You can view previous years in this series here: https://pubs.nbmg.unr.edu/Pamphlets-s/1862.htm
Related Information: Nevada Mineral Explorer web map https://nbmg.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/ind...
Suggested Citation: Visher, M., and Patterson, L., 2020, Major mines of Nevada 2019—mineral industries in Nevada’s economy: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication P-31, 28 p.
© Copyright 2020 The University of Nevada, Reno. All Rights Reserved.
