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Maps for assessing thermal maturity (conodont color alteration index maps) in Ordovician through Triassic rocks in Nevada and Utah and adjacent parts of Idaho and California
Maps for assessing thermal maturity (conodont color alteration index maps) in Ordovician through Triassic rocks in Nevada and Utah and adjacent parts of Idaho and California
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Price: $36.00

Product Code: I1249

Title: Maps for assessing thermal maturity (conodont color alteration index maps) in Ordovician through Triassic rocks in Nevada and Utah and adjacent parts of Idaho and California

Author: A. G. Harris, B. R. Wardlaw, C. C. Rust, and G. K. Merrill
Year: 1980
Series: Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations
Format: 2 plates, folded
Scale: 1:2,500,000

Original Product Code: I1249