Title: Mineral resources of northern Nye County, Nevada
Author: Frank J. Kleinhampl and Joseph I. Ziony
Year: 1984
Series: Bulletin 99B Version:
Format: 243 pages, 57, b/w drawings, 1 b/w photo, 55 tables, 1 appendix, 1 plate--1:250,000, mineral resources, 32 x 46 inches, 4 color
Scale: 1:250,000
The metalliferous and industrial mineral commodity deposits, fuels, geothermal resources, water resources, and mining districts and areas of northern Nye County; appendix of spectrographic analyses; references. Prepared cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey. Updates Bulletin 50; geology of this region is discussed in Bulletin 99A; the southern portion of Nye County is discussed in Bulletin 77.
Original Product Code: B99B
