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Comparison of loss-estimation modeling using HAZUS with ground-motion input from ShakeMap versus default values
Comparison of loss-estimation modeling using HAZUS with ground-motion input from ShakeMap versus default values


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Product Code: OF2011-01

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Title: Comparison of loss-estimation modeling using HAZUS with ground-motion input from ShakeMap versus default values

Author: Jonathan G. Price, Gary Johnson, Glenn Biasi, Douglas Bausch, and Ivan G. Wong
Year: 2011
Series: Open-File Report 2011-01
Format: 24 pages, color

This report, which is available as an online document at www.nbmg.unr.edu, documents a comparison of the Federal Emergency Management Agency's loss-estimation model, HAZUS, for earthquakes using two different ground-motion inputs: (1) the standard or default input using the epicenter, depth, and magnitude of an earthquake, which results in a simplified calculation of ground motions performed internally in HAZUS and (2) a user-supplied ShakeMap, which is created with a U.S. Geological Survey program that maps ground shaking. Except at small magnitudes (5.0, when the ShakeMap input yields significantly less loss than the standard input), the two approaches yield results that are mostly well within an order of magnitude of one another.

Original Product Code: OF111