Surficial geology and Quaternary fault map of the Las Vegas Valley, Clark County, Nevada
Author: Seth Dee, Alan R. Ramelli, Craig M. dePolo, and Shannon A. Mahan
Year: 2024
Format: one sheet: 42 x 60 inches, color; text: 121 pages, color; FOLDED (see link below to order rolled map)
Series: Map 193 Version:
Scale: 1:50,000
The Surficial Geology and Quaternary Fault Map of the Las Vegas Valley, Clark County, Nevada is a 1:50,000-scale compilation of published 1:24,000-scale geologic maps integrated with new field and desktop mapping. This geologic map compilation and GIS database are part of a broader study on the Quaternary faults in the Las Vegas Valley, the results of which are summarized in this report. The map compilation utilized a variety of digital base maps to evaluate the characteristics of surficial deposits and Quaternary fault scarps including lidar data in undeveloped parts of the valley and orthorectified historical aerial photos in the urbanized center of the valley. The map distinguishes twenty surficial map units including alluvial-fan and ephemeral-wash deposits, groundwater discharge deposits of the Las Vegas Formation, and alluvium deposits of Las Vegas Wash. Quaternary faults include the Quaternary Las Vegas Valley fault system in the center of the valley and the Frenchman Mountain fault system along the eastern margin. All Quaternary fault traces in the valley were evaluated, and the previously published fault mapping was modified as needed. The new mapping and uniform correlation of surficial deposits displaced by Quaternary faults yields a consistent valley-wide characterization of the recency of fault activity. The map and GIS database include a Quaternary geochronology compilation of 119 previously published surficial deposit ages of various types, 35 new luminescence ages, and 3 new radiocarbon ages. The new age data further bracket the ages of the Las Vegas basin Quaternary stratigraphy and provide new constraints on the timing of Quaternary fault activity.
This geologic map was supported by the Clark County Building Department, the Southern Nevada Chapter of the International Building Council, the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, and the U.S. Geological Survey, and is part of the Earthquake Analysis of Las Vegas Valley Project. Suggested citation:
Dee, S., Ramelli, A.R., dePolo, C.M., and Mahan, S.A., 2024, Surficial geology and Quaternary fault map of the Las Vegas Valley, Clark County, Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Map 193, scale 1:50,000, 121 p.
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