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Field Studies Maps

"View north of the Northern Snake Range. Stretched lower plate quartzite and schist units (subhorizontal) visible in
Hendry’s Creek, SE flank of the Range. High peak is Mt. Moriah."
IUGS Geoheritage Commission Website, photo credit: Michael McWilliams.

Snake Range
About a third of the Field Studies Maps are located in the Snake Range in White Pine County. Geologists from Stanford University authored the original seven quadrangle maps covering parts of the Snake Range:
Little Horse Canyon, Mormon Jack Pass, Mount Moriah, Old Mans Canyon, Spring Mountain, The Cove, and Third Butte East.

NEW: Mapping in the Snake Range area continues with these quadrangles in the NBMG Open-File Report series: Hogum, Sacramento Pass, Sixmile Canyon, and South Bastian Spring. Interactive map index

The Snake Range “has been named to the First 100 International Union of Geological Sciences Geological Heritage Sites.” Only eight sites out of a hundred worldwide were from the United States, and the Snake Range made that list!

Related links:

Northern Snake Range Metamorphic Core Complex
(view all 100 sites here, IUGS website)

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Geologic map of The Cove quadrangle, Nevada and Utah [COMPLETE DIGITAL PRODUCT WITH GIS]

Price: $30.00
Geologic map of The Cove quadrangle, Nevada and Utah [B/W MAP AND TEXT]

Price: $15.00
Geologic map of the Old Mans Canyon quadrangle, Nevada [COMPLETE DIGITAL PRODUCT WITH GIS]

Price: $30.00
Geologic map of the Old Mans Canyon quadrangle, Nevada [B/W MAP AND TEXT]

Price: $15.00
Geologic map of the Little Horse Canyon quadrangle, Nevada and Utah [COMPLETE DIGITAL PRODUCT WITH GIS]

Price: $30.00
Geologic map of the Little Horse Canyon quadrangle, Nevada and Utah [B/W MAP AND TEXT]

Price: $15.00
Geologic map of the Mount Moriah quadrangle, Nevada [B/W MAP AND TEXT]

Price: $15.00
Geologic map of the Spring Mountain quadrangle, Nevada and Utah [COMPLETE DIGITAL PRODUCT WITH GIS]

Price: $30.00
Geologic map of the Spring Mountain quadrangle, Nevada and Utah [B/W MAP AND TEXT]

Price: $15.00
Geologic map of the Mormon Jack Pass quadrangle, Nevada [COMPLETE DIGITAL PRODUCT WITH GIS]

Price: $30.00
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