Title: Geologic terrane map of Nevada
Author: A. Elizabeth Jones Crafford
Year: 2010
Series: Open-File Report 2010-04a
Format: plate 1 only: 52 x 63.5 inches, color; plate is available rolled only Scale: 1:500,000
Plate 1 is a 1:500,000-scale map illustrating the Paleozoic and Mesozoic geologic history of Nevada as defined by Crafford (2007). Plate 2 (not included in OF104a) is a series of 1:3,000,000-scale time slices illustrating tectonic events between the evolving continental margin in Nevada and accreted terranes outboard of the margin. The maps are derived primarily from the Geologic Map of Nevada, 1:500,000-scale compilation by Stewart and Carlson (USGS, 1978), and the 1:250,000-scale county geologic maps (NBMG, various dates), plus other sources.
See also Geologic Map of Nevada (USGS Data Series 249): http://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/2007/249/
Original Product Code: OF104a
